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A few days after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Study of War in Ukraine was founded by dr hab. Piotr Długosz, prof. UKEN. Together with Ukrainian colleagues from Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Poltava, and Lviv, as well as Polish researchers from various institutions, we have established a platform to showcase various initiatives aimed at disseminating knowledge about the consequences of the brutal aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

As part of our activities, we conducted interviews with Ukrainian academics during the ongoing war in Ukraine. These interviews provided analyses showing different aspects of the conflict.

In addition to providing direct insights from witnesses to the war in Ukraine, who were also professional researchers, we carried out several research projects.

Initially, our primary research area concerned the issue of Ukrainian war refugees arriving in Poland. We were among the first to conduct comprehensive studies on the process of adaptation of war refugees. These studies led to the publication: Piotr Długosz, Liudmyla Kryvachuk, Dominika Izdebska-Długosz (2022). Uchodźcy wojenni z Ukrainy – życie w Polsce i plany na przyszłość [War refugees from Ukraine: their lives in Poland and plans for the future]. Lublin: Academicon. After two years, we revisited the issue of Ukrainian female war refugees and conducted research on the integration of war migrants: Piotr Długosz, Dominika Izdebska-Długosz. (2024). Uchodźczynie wojenne z Ukrainy. Dwa lata od inwazji. Lublin: Academicon. Similar studies were carried out in several other countries by a researcher from our Laboratory: Liudmyla Kryvachuk. (2024). Uchodźcy z Ukrainy w różnych krajach: problemy adaptacji i integracji (Polska, Niemcy, Włochy, Wielka Brytania) [Refugees from Ukraine in Different Countries – Problems of Adaptation and Integration (Poland, Germany, Italy, Great Britain)]. Lublin: Academicon.

Apart from conducting survey research among Ukrainian refugees, our studies also resulted in the publication of thematic issues of the journal Youth in Central and Eastern Europe. The first issue, edited by Liudmyla Kryvachuk, featured articles on Ukrainian children and youth during the war. It was published in the journal: Tom 9 Nr 14 (2022).

Subsequent issues also included articles on Ukrainian children and youth. The last issue for 2024, edited by Oksana Koshulko, will once again focus on Ukrainian youth.

Apart from studying Ukrainian war refugees, we undertook research on the attitudes of Polish society towards Ukrainian refugees. The results were published in the article: Piotr Długosz, Dominika Izdebska-Długosz. (2024). Polskie społeczeństwo wobec uchodźców wojennych z Ukrainy [Attitudes of Polish society towards war refugees from Ukraine]. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny [Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora], 2024 (L), Nr 2 (192). A report from qualitative research was also made, offering insights into the underlying reasons for young Polish women’s reluctance towards Ukrainians: Piotr Długosz. (2024). Dlaczego Polki nie lubią Ukraińców [Why do young Polish women dislike Ukrainians?].

With the funding from the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) programme, we conducted studies on attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees among residents of the Visegrád Group countries. A report from the study conducted among Polish respondents was published: Piotr Długosz. (2024). Kondycja psychospołeczna społeczeństwa przyfrontowego [Psychosocial condition of a frontline society].

To conclude the discussion on publications dedicated to the consequences of the ongoing war in Ukraine, it is worth noting that we have obtained funding under the “Excellent Science II” programme for an English-language publication on the integration of Ukrainian refugee women, to be published by PETER LANG GROUP.

It could be said that we specialise in the study of the psychological consequences of war. Several texts on this subject matter were published: Piotr Długosz. (2022). Trauma wojenna ukraińskich uchodźców przebywających w Polsce [The War Trauma of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland]. Studia Polityczne. 2022; (4). Piotr Długosz. (2022). Social reactions of the residents of Lublin and Rzeszów to the refugee crisis after the outbreak of war in Ukraine [in:] L. Buller (ed.), Security in Crisis Situations in the Border Regions of Poland and Ukraine. Publisher: Bonus Liber Sp. Piotr Długosz. (2023). War Trauma and Strategies for Coping with Stress Among Ukrainian Refugees Staying in Poland. Journal of Migration and Health. Piotr Długosz. (2024). Ukrainian War Refugees in Poland: Trauma, Stress and Hope [in:] O. Koshulko (ed.). Humanity and Ukraine: Resistance through Language, Culture, and the Taking Up of Arms. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2024.

A notable event was the organisation of the conference in 2023 titled Wojna na Ukrainie i jej społeczne, psychologiczne oraz polityczne konsekwencje [The war in Ukraine and its social, psychological and political consequences]. With funding from the “Excellent Science” programme, the conference was held in the Krasiczyn Castle near Przemyśl, which is close to the Ukrainian border. The funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education allowed us to invite our Ukrainian colleagues as well as specialists from various institutions in Poland. The best papers from the conference were published in a thematic issue of Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny [Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora], edited by Kamil Łuczaj and Piotr Długosz.

As shown, over three years of activity, the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Study of War in Ukraine has successfully undertaken numerous initiatives.

On 19 December 2024, the Regulation No. R.Z.0211.84.2024 of the Rector of the University of the National Education Commission in Kraków was enacted. It renamed our Laboratory as the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Research on Wars and Disasters (LBWK).

In light of new challenges and ongoing changes, both domestic and international, we aim to focus on identifying general patterns of wars and their consequences. We believe that this new stage in the Laboratory’s operation will provide new research areas and yield results as significant as those achieved thus far.
